Ahlan Wasahlan =)



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

poem for my mom

You are the queen mother to me I'm alive you're an angel you are the giver and you receive any shortcomings of this child with a smile
O man named mother
I always hope that every second time
I can give the mother smiles and happiness
and I could not see your eyes mother shed tears
and  I will always make you proud and happy

I promise that maternal
as a child I'd love to see your face is always smiling
if I may not see you mom crying
at a time when I'm sad you where I'm spoiled
you're the one where I complain

and that's you've had me
I will always pray for you always healthy and vigorous
no words can describe how deserving you are to me
Miter and none are allowed to think how much I love you mom taste

itu sahaja buat sekrg...

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